How To Start A Blog For Money Making

Find out How to Start Writing a Blog For Money Making in 2025. What Are The 5 Key Tips to Blogging? Start the Right Way with this Free Publishing method.

Starting to write blogs and articles is not only fun but also can be a way of you earning an extra or even primary income from doing so. The 5 Key Tips to starting a money making blog are

  1. Mindset
  2. Consistency
  3. Content Writing – What to Write About
  4. Be Yourself
  5. How to Write Your First Blog and Publish it – For FREE

Find out more on how to start a money making blog below, which will give you a step by step guide to publishing your first blog article.

There are generally two types of people who write blogs. The first are those that write a blog for fun, or the social aspect. For these people a blog is a hobby and pastime that they enjoy doing.

The second type of person is those who write blogs to earn income by. This article is to show you how you can get started for free with your first blogs, what you need to do, how to go about publishing your first material online, and seeing if blogging is for you before you take the process to the next stage.

Make Money Blogging Beginners Tips

The Following are the 5 key Tips I have found to be the most important when I was looking at how to start writing a Blog for money. If you adopt the same principles and process then you will be fine and, on your way, to creating your first, of many, blogs and articles

1. Mindset

This is the most important tip. Making Money from a Blog requires a mindset shift in your thinking and approach to the art. Basically, you need to think of your creation of Blogs and Articles as a Business (not a hobby)

As such, just like any other business you need a plan of what you want to achieve (your business goals) how you are going to achieve it, and the timelines for doing so. You need a Direction and Goal for your Blogging Business

The challenge often for people blogging is that the process is relatively Free to start writing Articles Online with minimal investment required. This is the challenge. If you imagine that you had invested $100,000 in your blogging business, would you take it more seriously than if you had started for free?

Trust me on this one, if you shift your mindset, you will become successful.

2. Consistency

You need to be consistent in your article and blog writing. This is key as your readers will want regular output from you, otherwise you will lose them. This is so important, especially in the early days as you build your presence online in your blog subject.

Whatever time you have each week to devote to your blog business, stick to it. If you are writing one article a week, then be consistent in doing so. Linking to point 1 above treat your consistency like you would have to in any other business or venture.

A question; ‘Would You, Employ You?’

3. What do You Write about in a Blog

When looking for ideas to write about in a blog the easiest subjects to choose are subjects that you are interested in and passionate about. What Interests you? What articles do you like to read?

As an exercise to get started jot down 5 areas that you have an interest or expertise in. Circle 3 of the most exciting to you and under each one brainstorm half a dozen key points about each. You are now on your way to building the structure of your first blogs and articles.

This will be your start point, not just for now, but in every article you write. However, if you are struggling with a list or content ideas I have put the following subjects (in no particular order) together to get you thinking. What could you write a short article about on:







Small business

Outdoor activities

Fitness and health


Inspiration and advice






To earn money from blogging, your blog and writing can be about anything or everything. It’s entirely up to you. As long as you are passionate about the subject and write as ‘You’ That’s what readers want.

4. Be Yourself in Your Article and Blog writing

Your readership will grow to love what you write about, and importantly how you write it. Be Yourself. Build on your own experiences. Add the personal touch. Your audience will grow if you do this.

People are very good at identifying fake, insincere, or drab articles and blogs. Also, a word on AI (artificial intelligence) here. AI is revolutionising the world we live in. AI can be a good thing and can help with the creation of blogs and articles. But, and it is a Big But, Search Engines (GOOGLE, BING, DUCK DUCK etc) and Social media Algorithms are very good at sniffing out solely created AI blog content. As such they (The Search Engines) will penalise the writer by either low ranking, or not ranking at all, the content on a user’s search enquiry.

Your job with your writing, especially in the early days is to be YOU! Write uniquely in your own style and aim for your content to be what is called: E E A T

E E A T stands for: Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness

In other words, write your blog demonstrating

  • Experience: Show that your content is created by people with direct, first-hand experience with the topic. Look at the ideas section above, where I ask, ‘What are subject you expert or have experience in?’ Reference personal experiences within the content itself. Is it Travel? If so, then consider articles on trips experienced. The World really is your Oyster
  • Expertise: Show your subject matter expertise in the depth and accuracy of your content and author credentials and if appropriate and you can, cite reputable sources and studies.
  • Authoritativeness: Build your brand’s authority (this is you, you are your Brand until you create a name for your business) by consistently (that word Consistent again) publishing high-quality content, earning coverage and mentions from other respected sites, and growing your reputation within your industry.
  • Trustworthiness: Be transparent about You. Include a small bio, in your article at the end if necessary and even link it in your writing to the Experience point. Develop and nurture a positive reputation, and follow ethical content practices.

So, with all that in mind, your next exercise will be to actually write an article, based on a subject that you have chosen. Don’t worry at this stage as to how you go about publishing your article online, or setting up websites and/or Blog Platforms. That can all come later.

What you are going to do, is write your article, in a draft form and save it as you go on to a simple Word Document in your computer or Google Drive or Cloud Storage option you have.. Again, don’t worry about pictures or images at this stage, you just want the words and text of your blog Article.

A person sitting at a desk with an open laptop typing.

5. How to Write a Blog Online for Free – and Publish it

Ok, so if you have followed the above you should now be ready to take the first steps to publishing your blog online. What you are going to do is use a free google site in order to get the feel, the methodology and way in which you actually create an article online.

This is the part to have fun. Have fun creating your blog post as remember it is your blog, no one else’s. So, the first thing to do is open a fresh Google Browser page and head to:

Google Sites,

Here you will find free templates you can use, and publish online your own material in those Templates.

Select a Template that fits around what you are writing about, or one you like. It’s Your Choice.

Some examples on the sites homepage you can choose from

You can select and have boxes ready for images, Templates that fit around your ideas, the permutations are endless and it really is up to you so experiment and have fun playing and creating your blog.

Also, you may want to add Images to bring your blog to life.

You do this by clicking into the boxes you want to put content into, select:  images and go to Google Images. Here you can type in a subject (your blog and blog Chapter ideas) and hey presto, Google will show you images and pictures you can click and load to your blog page.

Whilst you are creating your Blog, Google stores it in a DRAFT mode. You can re visit and come back again and again to Edit your content. When You are Finally happy with your Blog…Take a deep breath, Hit the Button in the top right corner called PUBLISH, and that’s it.

Congratulations you have just published your first Blog online.

Two hands clinking champagne flutes, that are filled with champagne

Your Article will have a unique link and you can copy your published article link and share it with Friends, Family, in fact any social media account you may have. For example, If you have a Facebook Account, go on to it, put out a message saying something like:

You will have a prefix of: a code) but it’s a good way to dip your toe in the water in Blogging and Publishing an article online without spending any money.

You have now Created a Blog, Published it Online, and advertised it through Social media (Facebook in this case). By doing this you have taken the first steps in Making Money Online with a Blog. These three steps, are the fundamentals and basics of any online blogger who is earning money from their activity.

The Next steps for you in my following article are how to develop your new Blogging activities to be presented on your own site, Building your brand and putting in links to earn money.

I hope this has been useful for you and given you an idea on how to start a blog for money making. Remember it is key attributes such as: Get Your Mindset Ready, Be Consistent in your Content Creation to grow your audience, pick what you are going to write about, Be Yourself in your writing, and Publish your Blog.


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    Good luck, let me know if you have any questions in the comments box below and how you get on with publishing your first blog. What did you write about?

    Best Regards


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