How To Pack Clothes So They Don’t Wrinkle

What should I do to prepare for an international trip? As a Start you could pack your clothes without creasing them. Find out how to avoid this in the tips below

So, you are heading off on that overseas business trip, long weekend away, meeting the future in-laws, or for just a short break and the big challenge even before you set off and leave your home is…How to pack clothes so they don’t wrinkle

With increasing mobility and travel options, more and more of us travel on shorter breaks, be it for work, business, or pleasure and as such we undertake increasing overseas journeys. With the shorter break options, we are travelling light and utilising carry-on luggage, and in particular more softer style bags Leather holdalls, Backpack styles, etc. Check the benefits of using only carry on luggage for travel here

How to Pack Clothes So They Don't Wrinkle - A person standing with a smart leather travel Backpack

The nightmare scenario, particularly if you are on a business trip and must make that important client meeting impression, is that you arrive at your destination hotel, apartment, or lodgings, open your bag, take out your clothes and woah… your clothes look more akin to a jumble sale bag of rags.

Very often this scenario can be eliminated by following a few simple steps when packing your bag. So here are my 6 tips for packing clothes so they don’t wrinkle

How to Pack Clothes So They Don't Wrinkle

1. Pack Clothes That Do Not or Cannot Wrinkle.

Now, we are not saying that you need to compile your wardrobe from those 1970’s polyester material suits and garments. If you were to wear these items today chances are you will either, be a target for the fashion police or wipe out everybody in the near vicinity with bursts of static electricity as you shuffle along airport lounges.

There are clothes today that offer crease free properties by their very nature, for example, Merino wools, (great performance, wicking, odour elimination) other Wool blends, Denims (yes, great to travel in particularly if have an element of spandex for stretch)

How to Pack Clothes So They Don't Wrinkle - A wrinkled and creased piece of yellow paper

2. If You Pack Wrinkled Clothes…

Guess what Sherlock…    You will unpack wrinkled clothes. It is not rocket science. If, as you are packing, you fold creases and wrinkles in to your garments then by the time you reach your destination your shirts, blouses etc will have had enough time to form folds and creases so sharp that the crease will put many a sushi chefs’ knives to shame.

So, How do you avoid this happening

How to Pack Clothes So They Don't Wrinkle - A Pile of Rolled Denim Jeans

3. Roll your Clothes

In my opinion Rolling is best. By rolling your clothes for packing you will keep them wrinkle and crease free as the items will be tightly rolled without any hard creases.

However, there is one caveat to this and that is fold your garments along any seams, then like the dapper suave cat you are… smooooth out any crease or wrinkle and then roll (the garment, not you)

If you miss out the vital step of smoothing then sorry but you will fall victim to point 2 above

How to Pack Clothes So They Don't Wrinkle - A smart Blue Blazer and a pale pink shoulderless dress hanging up on the top rails of a metal four poster bed

4. I Am On a Business Trip How Do I Pack a Jacket or Formal Dress

If You want to make an impression, as stylish as a Selena Gomez or James Bond then Bundle pack your clothes.

This is a technique that many Business travellers use. Basically, if you need to pack a formal Jacket or dress you Wrap this item around your already rolled garments as in step 3.

The idea behind encompassing your rolled clothes with your jacket/dress allows for the garment to hold a shape without pressing any form, wrinkle or crease into it

How to Pack Clothes So They Don't Wrinkle

5. Pack Light

One of the most common problems travellers face is overpacking. By taking too many items of clothing, and crushing them into the available bag space you really are asking for clothes to be creased.

Especially if you also add in other items such as toiletries, extra footwear, a Laptop.

A little forward planning on your trip duration, the nature of the trip (Business or Social), can determine how and what you pack.

Combine outfits eg a pair of trousers can be worn with various tops and styles. Most Hotels/Apartments will have toiletries as a courtesy

And remember, the world is a different place to what it was 50 years ago. Virtually anywhere you go today you can buy essentials. The local residents’ do!

How to Pack Clothes So They Don't Wrinkle - A white shirt hanging up

6. You Are at Your Destination and Your Clothes Have Creases

Unfortunately, it is a fact of travel life that despite your best pre trip preparations in packing, you will still have some garments that will show some element of a wrinkle or crease. There are some things that you can do without resorting to Hotel Housekeeping or goodness forbid breaking out the Ironing Board yourself.

a/ Before heading for the Bar, the Beach or Sightseeing, take 5 minutes to unpack and hang your clothes up. This hopefully will allow any superficial wrinkling/creasing to drop out

b/ In the time it takes you to go through the frustrations of the Hotel Room/Property TV Internet settings and channel availability you can hang your clothing in the bathroom and turn on a hot shower.

The resultant steam from the shower should remove the creases. Oh, and unless you are into the ‘wet look’ only hang your clothing in the bathroom, NOT the shower itself

c/ Dampen lightly any creases with a damp towel and leave hanging to dry out

How to Pack Clothes So They Don't Wrinkle - A gret towel in a Tumble Dryer

d/ If staying in an AIRBNB   VRBO apartment style of property, and there is a washer dryer in the premises, then place your creased items in the dryer together with a damp towel. Turn on the dryer at a medium heat setting for about 15 minutes. This should remove any creases then hang up your garments.

Do not put the dryer on a high setting or longer than 15 minutes otherwise your clothes will only fit an Action Figure/Barbie doll.

 I hope you enjoyed this article and that it has been of some use to you, particularly if you are off soon on that short break or trip. What other tips do you have for keeping clothes wrinkle free when travelling? Share in the comments below

Remember, Pack light, Roll and Bundle, and buy essentials locally,

Happy Travels


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