How To Lose 10kg In A Month Is It Possible?

So, How to lose 10kg in a Month Without Exercise? Is it even Possible?

When it comes to weight loss, you often find yourself seeking the holy grail, switching to different diets and exercises to try to break the monotony and find that super quick win to get you ready for the beach or that re-union with friends. I have seen articles on How to lose weight in 1 week through to miracle curry cures. But like anything in life, It often comes down to the basics and consistency. More so while trying to lose weight.

That is why it is important to pick your path through your diet and weight loss goal in the right way. For example, eating only a salad, that consists of just tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, and lettuce, whilst seemingly a good idea will leave you hungry, weak, and tired all the time, and probably angry for the duration of the diet. Which I reckon, if you last it, it will be 10 to 20 or so days before you bin it.

Now the reality check…Can you really lose 10kg in a month? I am afraid to say that as you probably didn’t put that weight on in a month, you more than likely are not going to lose it in that time span either. Sorry. Weight gain is usually a gradual increase over a long-time span and creeps up on our bodies, not only because of the food types we eat but also our lifestyle. Perhaps then we need to re ask the question as to how to lose weight in 3 months

However, stick with me as I have some ideas from my own experience that you can take away and implement in your plan to succeed with your weight loss target and program.

I found trying to lose 10Kg in a month is too aggressive and may even be dangerous. Instead, a steady measured weight loss and diet, that allows you to shed the pounds in a safe manner will be more beneficial to your overall health and well-being. A typical, sustainable and measured success seen in weight loss is for the plan to be spread over a 12 week period.

Pratima Dibba, M.D., a board-certified gastroenterologist at Medical Offices of Manhattan in New York City. writes;

People who lose weight at a rate of 1 to 2 pounds a week are more likely to keep it off than those who shed weight faster, further, by focusing on weight loss as a long-term effort as opposed to seeking short-term results can lead to improvements in your mental and physical well-being as well.

Perhaps then we need to re ask the question as to how to lose weight in 3 months as after all aren’t we looking for a consistent result?

So, being more realistic and practical and setting up to succeed how do you lose 10kgs in the 12 week cycle? Basically, you need to create a caloric deficit diet and food intake. You just need to eat less than you burn, for example if you burn 2,500 calories a day then eat 2000 calories a day, slowly but surely, you will start to see the weight come off and those wretched numbers go down on the scales.

Guidelines recommend that you should try to lose weight gradually, about 1-2 lbs (approximately 0.5-1.0kg) a week. This way, the weight is more likely to stay off. Source: British Nutrition Foundation.

Before You Start

I have key tips that helped me and I have put some food ideas at the end if it helps You. But before you get started there are a couple of things for you to do to ensure that you start in the right way to lose those pounds.

Preparation is key.

1. Start with the end weight loss target in mind, and by what date you want to achieve the loss. Now, back engineer the steps you need to take to get there. This is a great goal setting technique. If you just say you want to lose weight, but have no clear path on how you are going to do it then I am afraid to say that you will fail.

So, if you take your Weight loss target to be 22 pounds (give or take that’s 10 kg) over a 12-week period (set this date for a major event… Beach Holiday, Anniversary, Date night…) now you break this down into manageable consistent steps.

The above example is a target loss of 1.84 pounds a week. Within the recommended weekly target weight loss parameters.

Now WRITE YOUR PLAN DOWN on a pad at the very least, or on a calendar, or perhaps create a planner. Below is a snapshot of a spreadsheet I put together last year for me to use. My target was 29lb broken down by week and even by day as the end goal was a Holiday and I wanted to be more ‘James Bond than Jabba the Hut’ on the vacation.

As you will see each day and week shown is small steps, but it added up.

2. Get some key provisions from your Grocery store. What will help you here will be to replace certain items that you keep which are your ‘Go-to snacks’, for example swap out crisps (potato chips) for rice cakes. Get some spices and herbs that will literally jazz up anything you eat that you deem to be bland. Even a jar of honey can replace sugar and sweeten other foods. (I use honey in stir-Fry’s) Have carrots that you have sliced ready to swap out for Chocolate bars.

3. Develop a positive and healthy mindset. I won’t Honey coat this (sugar has been substituted) you need to have a healthy and positive outlook when you are dieting. From my own experience I found that at times it was tough, I wanted to quit, as will you, I hated myself and others around me, which is natural as your body changes to the different foods you will eat, you crave sugar, your sleep patterns are initially upset etc. You WILL have mood swings but stick with it.

I can honestly say after the first 20 or so days it gets easier. Keep reminding yourself the end Goal of those lost pounds and the reason WHY you are doing this. Get the support of others if possible (I initially upset close family so it was with a guarded ‘Why should we help you…’ response I got. It is to be expected.)

Right are you finally ready? Here we Go

6 Key Tips

Portion Control: This is a big one. Basically, you want to be eating less. The simplest way is by portion control. This was an interesting one for me. I found that I was cooking everything I bought, I mean the complete contents in a packet. If I was cooking a Spaghetti Bolognese, I would cook the whole 500g packet of mince into the dish (combined with all the other ingredients this meal was quite a size). Add a mound of the Spaghetti Pasta and no wonder I was piling on the pounds.

As a mindset shift here, substitute your usual dinner plate for the next size down. It Works! It is amazing the psychological impact this has, and you will naturally eat less. Further, freeze the remainder for another day. I started splitting out the ingredients so that the 500g became 250 to the Bolognese and 250 to a healthy meatball dish later in the week. The hidden benefit was my Finances thanked me.

Quit Sugar. Sorry to say this but if it tastes sweet, its naughty and therefore banned. No chocolates, cakes, sugar on your cereal, desserts etc. Everything that tastes sweet is off the radar now. Refined sugars are not needed by us. Try not eating anything sweet for a week and you’ll feel the difference in your body. It will take time, but a you’ will see that a coffee or tea without sugar will taste fine. Oh, this also includes artificial sweeteners. They can disturb your body’s natural sugar regulation. Therefore, Fizzy drinks, Colas etc are a no-go area. And this includes Alcohol. Yep, no Gain without Pain. (The benefits of giving up alcohol, even over a short period are huge, too much for this article, but I did feel so much better. I do still enjoy a drink but in a totally different way now)

Quit all your fried foods. Don’t eat anything that is deep fried. Keep well away from fast food outlets. Why would you want to eat anything out of a deep fat fryer from a commercial outlet anyway? You can cook so much fresher and healthier foods at home. Also Try to use as little oil as possible. You can buy spray oils, so that now a couple of mist sprays will be sufficient for your stir fry.

Cut down on Carbs. If you can cut out carbs for the duration then great, but if you really can’t do without them, then portion control really is important here. Reduce your pasta/potato/rice portion if you must have them. When you eat rice for a meal, don’t have breads or other ‘fillers’ with it (I would have an Indian meal, with Rice…and Nan Bread) and a great substitute rice for shredded cauliflower, and to substitute a Pizza Dough base for an egg omelette style one. First, cook the flat omelette, then add your toppings, grill/oven bake hey presto (or Pesto!). Ideally though, No breads, pizzas, burgers buns, noodles, pasta.

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. There is no limit to how much you can consume of these. Substitute your usual chocolate bar for fresh raw Carrot sticks, or Cauliflower. Check out good salad recipes. Make great salads without artificial dressings. Add lots of veggies like cabbage, spinach, carrots, cucumbers, onions, peas, beetroots, lettuce, peppers/capsicums etc to enhance the taste. Mix it up, add seafood, or properly cooked meats (be careful with processed meat such as Salami, pepperoni, etc). You may be surprised that eating plenty of Fruit and Vegetables will fill you up and go some way to driving off the hunger pangs that you will feel.


So, can you lose 10kg without exercise? Well, I suppose it’s possible but my experience found it wasn’t. Whilst I started to lose the initial pounds I found that my diet was stalling and I needed to kick start and give my metabolism a boost. Now don’t get me wrong here, I am no ‘Gym Bunny’ (I think that’s the phrase). If you see my page on How to Have a healthy Lifestyle the 10 Tips you will find that I found a love for walking. The benefits of walking are well catalogued. The Victoria State Government, Australia has a great article on the benefits of walking.

I found that walking for 20–30 minutes a day was more than enough as a start and combined with the gradual weight loss I found I was feeling better, walking further and brisker. I even bought myself as a reward for hitting my second week target one of those activity watches that checks heart rate, how far I am walking, time walking etc.  I found the FITBITs watch monitors to be good, have a look here at some ideas for you.

Discover your activity watch  

Now try this, Start with 20 minutes and walk briskly, at least covering 1km every 10–12 minutes. Then try increasing your pace and the duration of your walk. Try doing 45 mins or even 60. But increase the pace slowly and please, if you have not done any exercise for a while, check with your Doctor or Physician if it is safe for you to partake in physical exercise. Find what works and is safe for you personally, and importantly whatever you choose you enjoy doing, or you won’t do it. Simples.

Other Things:

  • Reward Yourself as you go. Have a day off from the Diet (don’t overdo the sugar/donuts/cake crisps etc on your day off)
  • Try De-tox drinks such as Green Teas, especially in the morning
  • Snack on other foods such as Cashew Nuts, Almonds, Walnuts (Not the fried/salted varieties)
  • Eat Plenty of Oil rich Fish such as Salmon and Mackerel.
  • Have a go at making your own soups, especially Vegetable ones, with Lentils.

Some things I ate, and mixed up a bit to vary. The choice is yours, go explore what you can have and like to eat.

Breakfast: try Oatmeal as a cereal, Muesli with Fresh Orange Juice… Not Milk! Omelette: Eggs are very good sources of protein. More than half the protein of the egg is found in egg whites along with vitamin B complex, Vitamin D, Copper, Zinc and Selenium.

Lunch: Hard Boiled Egg. Soup. Small wrap with previously cooked chicken/beef left from Sunday Dinner.

Dinner: Grilled chicken, roasted chicken, grilled fish fillets. Mushroom omelette. Vegetable Wraps.

Are the Scales still stuck? Why not head over to the Review post on The Best Supplements to Burn Fat to see which Top Two Fat Burning Products rate in combatting the stubborn fat FIND OUT HERE.

I hope the above article is of Interest to you, particularly if you are looking to shed a few pounds. There may be some things you can take away here and use, but the key things I found were… Make A Plan, Start It. Reduce portion size, swap out sugars and do a bit more exercise. Let me know what you think, How is your plan coming along? What blockers have you encountered? I would love to hear your experience.

Best Regards and Good luck with your plan


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