How To Earn Money Through Social Media

Do You Have a TikTok, Youtube, X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest account? Love it or loathe it, Social Media is a modern giant of social interaction and with that you can Learn How to Earn Money Through Social Media by following these 7 Tips on How to Make Money on Social Media Platforms below

  1. Define Your Niche
  2. Optimise Social Media Profiles
  3. Create Engaging Content
  4. Create Sponsored Posts or Videos
  5. Monetize by Using Affiliate Promotions
  6. Create and Sell Online Digital Products and Courses
  7. Answer the FAQ’s

Detailed analysis by the team at Kepios shows that there were 5.07 billion social media users around the world at the start of April 2024, equating to 62.6 percent of the total global population. How then, do you tap into this market to earn money through social media.

How to Earn Money Through Social Media - a hand writing the word   IDEA in red marker

1. Define Your Niche

To earn money from social media and your site, you will need to specialise in a particular area, or Your Niche, as its more commonly called. What You create, in what subject field is entirely up to you.

The world really is at your finger tips here, especially where subject matter is concerned. No matter how strange to you a subject might be, I will wager that someone, somewhere, is posting and hosting a Social Media site about it.

If you are stuck for ideas, just start by writing down your main Interests and hobbies, also what other Social media sites do you follow and engage with?

How to Earn Money Through Social Media - a blank notepad and pen with two scrunched up waste pieces of notepaper

Still Struggling? head over to my post on: How to Start a Blog For Money Making for a whole list of subject matter you can use, Here.

My Number one tip though, is to be passionate about the subject you choose, as this will keep you focused and engaged in the daily tasks in building and eventually earning money from your Social Media profile.

2. Optimise Social Media Profiles

It is Important that when you look to Earn Money Through Social Media that you get your house in order. By that I mean if you are looking to use your existing profiles and accounts you will probably need to tidy things up a bit.

How to Earn Money Through Social Media - A Pug Dog wearing Pink Sunglassess and wearing a pink Bow Tie.

Your Profile and Photos need to be clear and relevant to your Theme, Niche and Subject Matter.

Remove and replace irrelevant images. A profile picture of your Dog, wearing a Bow Tie, on its Birthday is not relevant if you are posting about Garden Design.

How often are you posting content? Consistency is key. The Social media Platforms’ algorithm crawlers will not prioritise your content, if you only post once a month.

What and when did you last post? Did you react and go off piste in a rant about a subject someone posted? Can you remove the post if so?

Again, ask the question, “Is my Current Content Relevant?

Can You/Do You need to edit established pages, and content to align with your subject?

Check what posts had the most engagement. Which ones had no interaction? Keep analysing and learn what works for you.

In some cases it may be better to start a fresh profile from scratch, and develop new and clean content. Then, build your audience with those ideas and posts

3. Create Engaging Content

You may have heard of Paretos Law, where 80% of Results will come from 20% of Activity. Well a similar style rule of thumb you applies to your content creation on Your Social Media Platforms.

Use the 60/30/10 rule for your content creation 

Make 60% of your content of interest for your Target Audience, try being educational in a conversation style of writing. Answer questions in your content that your readership and followers ask, and importantly ask for, and encourage interaction back from your Audience.

A simple, ‘ What are your thoughts…’ or ‘Which activities do you see yourself using…’ question at the end of your article or post can be enough to start engagement.

30% of what you write should be the sharing of information that you find from relevant industry pages and media sites. Also, seek out your audience’s own posts, and engage, like and Follow them.

Social Media, is called Social Media for a reason. It wants us to be sociable and engage and comment with each other, whether you are on TikTok, Youtube, X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest it is all the same principle.

Whilst Social Media Monetization and earning Money from Social Media is your aim, remember this; People (and that includes your audience) Generally do not like to feel they are being sold to, or sold at.

Whatever you do, under no circumstance flood, swamp, or overwhelm your followers with Sales material and messages. If You do, people will leave your site and you will appear desperate and only interested in selling to people rather than providing value.

Value content keeps people engaged and coming back for more

Therefore, just 10% of your posts, content, videos and articles should be sales-focused.

How To Earn Money Through Social Media - Lancia Delta Integrale Rally Car with Martini Sponsorship

4. Create Sponsored Posts or Videos

Once you are established and building momentum with a growing audience you may be in a position to have your articles etc sponsored by an associated business in your chosen Niche.

How many times do you watch a Youtube video, on something you are interested in and the creator will say something like:

With Thanks to (product/company name) who are todays sponsor where if you click the link below you can get 10 percent off your order”

A Girl Holding a laptop computer that is open with the screen facing us. On the screen there is a stack of Dollar Bills, emphasising earning online as per the article on Why Consider Starting a Blog by Future You Success

Every time one of your readers or followers clicks and purchases you will get paid, further you may also (depending on audience size) be paid by the company direct just for mentioning them.

I have seen all types of paid promotions from Pet Foods through to Motorbikes and accessories, which brings me on to the next income stream for your social media…

5. Affiliate Marketing

When I was looking at how to earn money on social media I came across Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate Marketing is where you can get paid for recommending and promoting a company and its products in your Social media articles, posts, and/or videos.

You paste a unique (to you) link that has been provided by a company in or around your article content. If one of your readers clicks on the link and makes a purchase you will receive a commission from the parent company for their Purchase.

You do not need to hold any stock nor handle any of the sale requirements. You simply earn the commission for recommending the product that results in a sale.

I have written and published numerous articles on Afilliate Marketing, where you can get more indepth information, plus ways to get started (in some cases for Free) in earning money online. I will put some helpful links at the end of this article to those posts

6. Create and Sell Online Digital Products & Courses

 Digital Products are a great way to Earn income online, the reason?

You do not need to hold a physical stock

The Customer receives the Product virtually and instantly

Customers can purchase 24 Hours a Day, 365 Days a Year

How to Start a Blog for Income; - A pile of Physical books on top of which is an E- Book Reader with a Digital Book text on the screen.

Once you have done the work, (that is writing the material) Automation takes over. You dont have to do any more.

Writing an e-book or digital product is not as daunting as you may think. What skill sets do you currently have? for example writing content that is perhaps a ‘How – To …’ Guide in your Niche Subject area can be a great way to get started.

Simple formats such as downloadable pdf guides work well here

You can publish your material on Amazon Kindle or use Google, in their Books Partner Centre. Here, Google will have your Guide, potentially to 3 billion plus people, in 75 Countries

Publishers may list their Guides/Books at any thing from $0.99 to $24.99. Sales can be quite lucrative and build over time as your audience grows, trusts and finds value in what you post.

7. Answer the FAQ’s

Is there a common thread in your niche and social media platform? What questions are people, and by that I also mean your target audience and followers, asking?

Look back to point 3, in creating engaging content. Be educational, PROVIDE articles, video’s, posts on the SOLUTION to the common questions being asked. Give Value to your readers/followers.

The more you do this, the more trusted you become in your field, and as such people will more likely trust you when they click on an Affiliate Link, or Sponsored Product Advert placed within your content, leading to sales and ultimately Income for you.

Get the Guide:

How To Become A Successful Social Media Influencer

I hope the above is helpful to you, and here are other posts that can give you more in depth ideas on earning money through posts and online media.

Top 5 Best Online Business Ideas: this post has a section on Affiliate Marketing and how to ear from it   Read Here

Start Blogging and Make Money Online: This will show you how to check Domains, Register them online and synchronise with your website platform. Read Here

7 tips for Finding and Starting an Online Business: Goes more in depth on how to research an online business opportunity. Read Here

Good Luck with Your Social Media posting. Let me know in the comments below what platforms you use and which subject niche did you choose?

Best Regards


How To Become A Successful Social Media Influencer

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