How Easy Is Affiliate Marketing – For Beginner’s A Guide to Success

Affiliate Marketing for Beginners, Is It That Simple?

As Online Internet Business Opportunities go, Affiliate Marketing can be easy to start, but how easy is affiliate marketing for beginners?

Online Marketing Flow for How Easy is Affiliate Marketing

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Affiliate Marketing
  3. Is Affiliate Marketing Easy for Beginners
  4. Can Beginners Do Affiliate Marketing
  5. How Hard is Affiliate Marketing
  6. How Long Will it Take to Learn Affiliate Marketing
  7. How Much Can a Beginner Affiliate Make
  8. How to Become an Affiliate Marketer with No ExperienceThe 9 Steps
  9. Conclusion


If you’ve thought about online business ideas you will have come across the ‘Affiliate Marketing’ Business Model. You probably have noticed the promises of untold riches, the Lamborghini Driving Affiliates who will tell you that in 3 simple steps you too can be hearning hundreds of thousands of Dollars per Month, and it will have set you wondering “how easy is affiliate marketing,” and is it something I can Do?

Many beginners are drawn to this popular online business model, attracted by the potential for passive income and flexibility. But is affiliate marketing really as simple as it seems? In this comprehensive guide, I’ll explore the ins and outs of affiliate marketing for beginners and answer some of the most common questions about getting started in this field, all based on my experiences.

A little about me. After a Life change owing to my employment ending I had to decide what to do, and quickly. I was in my late 50’s and realised that I would not get a similar position, at a similar salary, that my previous employment offered.

I turned to opportunities that appeared online, and a long story short (you can read more about me in my bio profile here) I quickly found, at a cost of time and money, what does work, what doesn’t work and what to avoid when starting a business online in your 50’s.

Currently I have built and run an Online E-Commerce Store, with dropshipping as well as run various bloggs and articles that make commissions online with Affiliate Marketing, taught by Wealthy Affiliate.

My experience, starting from scratch, hopefully can help you too, to get on the way to your first commissions online.

Understanding Affiliate Marketing

Before I jump into how easy is affiliate marketing, let’s first clarify what Affiliate Marketing actually is, and what it entails.

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where businesses reward affiliates (ie You) for driving traffic or sales to their products or services. As an affiliate marketer, you promote products or services and earn a commission for each sale or lead generated through your own unique affiliate link.

Basically, recommend and promote products you love, and get paid for it.

I delve deeper into Affiliate Marketing, and what it is as a Home Based Internet Business in my post on the Top 5 best Online Business Ideas

Affiliate Marketing - How Easy is It

Is Affiliate Marketing Easy for Beginners?

My experience has taught me that the answer to this question isn’t a simple yes or no. While affiliate marketing can be relatively easy to start, mastering it and achieving significant success requires effort, patience, and skill development.

Here are some factors that make affiliate marketing accessible for beginners

  1. Low startup costs: Unlike traditional businesses, affiliate marketing doesn’t require a large initial investment.
  2. Flexible schedule: You can work on your affiliate marketing business at your own pace and on your own time.
  3. No product creation: You don’t need to create your own products; you simply promote existing ones.
  4. Wide range of niches: There are affiliate programs in virtually every industry, allowing you to choose a niche (area or Hobby) you are interested in and you’re passionate about.

However, it’s important to note that, yes, whilst these factors make it easy to get started, they don’t guarantee instant success.

For more details on the mechanics of How to become an Online Affiliate Marketer check my article for tips and how to get started today.

Can Beginners Do Affiliate Marketing

Can Beginners Do Affiliate Marketing?

Well, If my experience and ham fisted attempts are anything to go by then Yes, Absolutely. I had no idea how any of this stuff worked when I first Started, but, bit by bit and piece by piece it all starts to come together. Your knowledge will also gather momentum, rather like a snowball rolling down a hill. As it rolls it gathers more and more snow around it

Many successful affiliate marketers started with no prior experience. Here are some of my tips for affiliate marketing beginners:

  1. Choose a niche you’re interested in or knowledgeable about.
  2. Start with a single affiliate program or product to focus your efforts. Become laser focused with it, and learn your craft. You can then ‘rinse and repeat’ with other products and programs. Scale up and build.
  3. Learn the basics of digital marketing, including content creation and SEO. and analyse your performance as you go. See what works, and importantly what isn’t.
  4. Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day. Be patient and consistent in your efforts and the success will come. Affiliate Marketing is NOT get rich quick
  5. Dont be afraid to ask questions and for help. Network with other affiliate marketers to learn from their experiences.

I have found that people, by their nature want to help, so ask if you dont know. If you are having challenges or have any questions on Affiliate Marketing drop me note in the comments below and I will come back to you.

How Hard is Affiliate Marketing

How Hard is Affiliate Marketing?

The difficulty of affiliate marketing largely depends on your approach and expectations. While it’s not rocket science, it does require dedication and a willingness to learn. Some challenges I faced and undoubtedly you will too include:

  1. Building an audience: It takes time and effort to attract and retain a loyal following. But by being consistent you will gain more and more followers
  2. Competition: Many niches can be saturated with experienced affiliate marketers. However, this proves that there is a market for you. You just need to find your unique take on your chosen subject
  3. Staying up-to-date: The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, requiring continuous learning. Take the example of how AI is changing the Search Engine landscape.
  4. Maintaining motivation: Success often doesn’t come overnight, which can be discouraging for some.

Many find affiliate marketing rewarding once they overcome the initial hurdles. Affiliate Marketing, is a Business Model. No different in some respects than any other business. There will always be challenges.

It’s a Fact of Business Life.

How Long Will It Take to Learn Affiliate Marketing - an Hour Sand Glass

How Long Will it Take to Learn Affiliate Marketing?

The learning curve for affiliate marketing varies from person to person. Some key factors that influence your learning process will include:

  1. Your existing skills and knowledge. But Take Heart. I had no experience in any of this. If you have any existing online skills then you will have a foundation to build from, but it’s not essential
  2. The amount of time you can dedicate to learning. Never Stop Learning. You will need to put some time aside to grasp the basics, the research you will need for your chosen subject etc
  3. The complexity of your chosen niche. This will also relate to your background skills. If I had chosen ‘Computer software application Programs’ I would still be on Page 1. !
  4. Your ability to apply what you learn. Knowledge is a great thing, but you need to use and apply it.

On average, it might take anywhere from 3 to 6 months to grasp and apply the basics and start seeing some results. However, becoming truly proficient can take a year or more of consistent effort and learning.

Here’s a rough timeline of what you might expect:

  • 1-3 months: Learning the basics, setting up your platform, and choosing affiliate programs
  • 3-6 months: Creating content, building an audience, and making your first sales
  • 6-12 months: Refining your strategies, scaling your efforts, and seeing more consistent results

Remember though, the above will be related and a result of the time you put into your Affiliate Marketing Business. As the saying goes,

The Harder You work, the Easier it Becomes’

How Much Can a Beginner Affiliate Make?

I can’t guarentee how much you will earn. I don’t know your work ethic, how much time you will put in to your Business and what your Subject Matter or Niche is.

Some programs pay higher commissions per sale than others and you may have a high ticket program.

However, my experience, and that bourne out by others is;

  • First 3-6 months: $0 – $500 per month
  • 6-12 months: $500 – $2,000 per month
  • 1-2 years: $2,000 – $5,000+ per month

But, as said, your earnings will depend on

  1. The niche you choose
  2. The commission rates of your affiliate programs
  3. The size and engagement of your audience
  4. Your marketing skills and strategies
  5. The amount of time and effort you invest
SEO Flow Chart

How to Become an Affiliate Marketer with No ExperienceThe 9 Steps

If you’re starting from scratch, here’s a step-by-step guide to becoming an affiliate marketer, and based on my experiences, I have also put together a more in-depth flow of how to get started with creating an affiliate marketing business, with my comprehensive guide; How to Create Content for an Affiliate Marketing Website

So, from Scratch;

  1. Choose a niche: Select a topic you’re passionate about or have knowledge in.
  2. Research affiliate programs: Look for reputable affiliate programs in your chosen niche. Some popular networks include:
    • Amazon Associates
    • ShareASale
    • CJ Affiliates
  3. Set up your platform: Create a website or blog to showcase your content. WordPress is a popular and user-friendly option.
  4. Create valuable content: Produce high-quality, informative content that your audience will find useful. This could include:
    • Blog posts
    • Product reviews
    • Comparison articles
    • How-to guides
  5. Learn SEO basics: Understand how to optimize your content for search engines to increase your visibility.
  6. Build an email list: Start collecting email addresses from your visitors to create a direct line of communication with your audience.
  7. Promote your content: Use social media and other channels to share your content and attract more visitors.
  8. Track and analyze your results: Use analytics tools to monitor your performance and identify areas for improvement.
  9. Continuously learn and adapt: Stay updated with industry trends and be willing to adjust your strategies as needed.

For an ‘out of the box’ solution to you starting with affiliate marketing take a look at the business model that has full training, support and help, plus you can start with a free option to see if affiliate marketing is for you.


Conclusion - How Easy is Affiliate Marketing


So, how easy is affiliate marketing? Hopefully as shown above, while it’s relatively simple to get started, achieving significant success requires dedication, patience, and ongoing learning. No different to any business you might choose.

As a beginner, you can certainly enter the world of affiliate marketing, but it’s important to set realistic expectations and be prepared to put in the necessary work, especially at the beginning.

And Finally, to save you the pain when you start, head over to my article on Why people Fail with Affiliate Marketing to outline the top 10 common mistakes people make. Avoid these and you will be well on your way to success

I hope you enjoyed the above article. Please, If you have any questions on challenges you might be facing let me know in the comments below and I will hopefully have a solution for you.

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    Here’s a little transparency: my website contains affiliate links. This means if you click and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission. Don’t worry, there’s no extra cost to you. It’s a simple way you can support my mission to research and bring you quality content. Thank You for your support.

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