Creating A Mindset of Success

As with all things in life the more you practice or carry out a particular task, the better you will become at that task. In Creating a Mindset of Success, the more you become solution and Goal target based the better you become in developing the mindset of success and growth.

In our Article on: How to Develop a Growth Mindset in Life (Read Here) We gave the basis and foundation as to you beginning the path in developing your Growth mindset to achieve positive success results and outcomes.

The Article points to the tenet that at various stages in our life, and at different times depending on the nature of a challenge we may be experiencing, we can either be in a positive growth mindset or a negative growth mindset. Which state we are in will depend on the factors outlined but to help build, nurture, and create a mindset of success there are 5 further key elements we can apply.

Set Goals – Not Just the Big Life Ones

This is probably the most important task you can carry out in developing and creating a growth mindset. Goals will allow you to create a focus and meaning in your life. With out any goals you will just drift aimlessly along.

We all know the quotes such as ‘A ship with no rudder can’t reach a destination’ ‘If you have no destination (goal) how do you know when you have reached it’ etc. So having clear, defined, and written down (If not written down and committed to, a Goal is just a dream) Goals is important, together with the ‘back engineered’ path to reach and achieve those goals.

As you reach your various goals, be they long term, mid term, or short term you will be laying the foundations, developing, and re enforcing the positive growth mindset you are striving to achieve.

However, whilst we all might be familiar with the traditional goal setting route (if You want to know more about Goal setting check the article on: How to Set and Achieve a Goal here) We can also apply the same principles in solving and meeting challenges presented to us daily.

For Example, you may have a challenge (and it really can be anything) that needs to be completed by the end of the month. We can use the familiar to us, goal setting techniques in setting a path to resolving and successfully achieving the outcome.

I am not saying that something like ‘Mowing and Cutting the Lawn by Saturday’ really needs the approach (get mower out of garage, switch on, walk up and down…lawn mowed) but use the technique more for larger monthly challenges or issues.

The more you use the goal setting methodology the more successful you will be in achieving and creating a mindset of success. It is the small steps that build positive re enforcement and belief that we can succeed.

How to Model The Success of Others

In creating your own mindset of success, it can help if you look at others who already foster one. Whether looking at people you may already know, through to Business Leaders or Sporting Athletes. Wherever you look there will be opportunities to learn from others. Examine what they do and how they approach challenges, and think about how you can apply similar tactics. 

Also, try to thinking about something that you have seen someone else do, that is completely against the odds. How did they achieve their success, what measures did they put in place and what can you do to follow and copy the example. This is particularly important if the outcome achieved by another is akin or aligned with what you are trying to do.

By Adopting Success of others you too will build the foundation stones in creating your own growth mindset.

Keep Learning – Become a Sponge

I am sure that you will have heard the saying ‘Use it or Lose it’ We tend to associate this with keep fit and fitness routines. If we don’t keep up our aerobic ability, we lose it. However, the same is true of our mental capacity.  The article written on research by Utah State University states : If a brain cell is not used, or does not communicate with the cell next door, that brain cell loses its function.

The reason why you want to keep on learning and stretching yourself is that the more you learn, the better equipped you will be to deal with curve balls and challenges thrown at you. More knowledge means more tools in your armoury to problem solve to a successful outcome.

Get used to getting out of your comfort zone. Become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Become a sponge and absorb everything you can. Push yourself to be open to learning new skillsets and thus creating a mindset of success.

Making Mistakes – It is Good to Mess Up

How Does Making mistakes help you grow and develop a successful mindset. Well, we all make mistakes so get used that. By making mistakes you have the chance to identify and understand where you may have a weakness in learning or thought process.

You may have a lack of understanding in not just the solution to a challenge, but also the challenge itself. Many times, when teachers mark students work, they comment that the student ‘Didn’t read the Question properly’

Do you fully understand the nature of the challenge set before you?

 Remember that you are not going to get everything right the first time. Allow yourself to make mistakes and then learn from what didn’t work. Mistakes are part of the learning process, and by making them does not mean you are inept. A mistake is a chance to learn.  

So, to sum up in Creating a Mindset of Success you will want to look at Goal setting in order to break down challenges and define a path to solve them, Follow the success of others, particularly if they have achieved an outcome you desire, Keep learning the skillsets to build your armoury and finally enjoy the process of making mistakes.

 I hope you enjoyed the article and also my earlier one on the foundations in: How to Develop a Growth Mindset in Life   Let me know your thoughts and what other techniques or strategies have you used to develop and build your mindset?


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