What Are The Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

A cropped image of a Girls body from the shoulders down, wearing keep fit clothes. The girl is performing a high step exercise move in conjunction with the article by Future You Success on Burn Fat - Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

What Are the Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fat? Visceral Fat, or more commonly, Belly Fat is a layer of fat that sits below the muscles of your abdomen. This fat can expose your body to compounds that can increase your risk of chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Knowing that, what Exercises Burn Belly Fat and What are the best exercises to Burn belly Fat at Home

Well, the answer to that question will depend on several factors such as your age, current weight, flexibility, and mobility. For example, a person in their twenties should have more flexibility and mobility than someone in their fifties. Therefore, it is important to pick exercises and a routine that you can actually start and do.

There are great Exercises for a Fat Burn, which I will list later, However, the general consensus from medical reports and Fitness experts is that the Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat is any Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise is any exercise or activity that raises your heart rate from its resting or normal state. Now, your Image of Aerobic exercise may be Gym pounding sessions or long distance running. Not necessarily so.

As said earlier, depending on what stage in life you are, Aerobic Exercise can be:



Playing with your Children, or Grandchildren

Cleaning the House (Energetic Hoovering)

You can come up with more ideas, but you get the gist. The important thing is to find (and do) something, an activity that gets your Heart Rate up for a period of time, say 30 Minutes.

While it’s important to get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day, don’t over train and push yourself too hard, especially in the beginning.

A picture of a pair of legs wearing walking/activity Trousers and hiking boots. The individual is walking up a mountain track. The image is to accompany the article by Future You Success on Burn Fat - Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat and high light that walking is a good exercise.

I found that walking for 20–30 minutes a day was more than enough as a start and combined with the gradual weight loss I found I was feeling better, walking further and brisker.

 I also bought one of those activity watches that checks heart rate, how far I am walking, time I am walking etc.  I found the FITBITs watch monitors to be good, but its up to you which you prefer and you can spend a few Dollars/Pounds or (to Me) an eye watering sum on them.

Walking at an incline or up a hill burns more fat that walking on the flat. Your heart and Body will work harder. A study found walking on an incline of 10 degrees and a speed of 3mph can burn up to 70% more fat than running the distance covered on a flat surface.

No Hills near you, then use a set of stairs. Even when at home. If you are going upstairs for something, go up… but come straight back down again, then go up again for what you wanted. Bizarrely this works in getting your heart rate up.

The second set or group of exercise to look at is the ones that work on your core or Abdomen

A Man and Woman facing the camera head on, both wearing gym gear in a dark moody setting and both in a one armed press up position. The image is to back up the article by Future You Success on Burn Fat - Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat and that Abdominal Exercises are one of the best exercises to Burn Fat

Abdominal Exercises

As belly fat sticks around the waistline and stomach area, it is only natural to assume that doing exercises that target the abdominal region will help to combat it. Abdominal exercises can help tone and flatten the stomach while giving you a good exercise workout.

Again, as above, Abdominal exercises are great for people of any age.

Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fat.

The Plank

Leg Lifts


Here is a short description on each one, in case you are not familiar with the individual exercises.

The Plank for Beginners

Lying on the ground with the elbows in line with the shoulder and your feet shoulder width apart, push your body up bearing the weight on the forearms and feet, Keeping your body in a straight line.

A man in gym gear, laying on his back on the floor. his arms are straight beside him and his legs are raised off the floor at near 90 degrees to his torso performing a leg raise in conjunction with the description of leg raises in the article Burn Fat - The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat by Future You Success

Leg Lifts

Lie on your back on the floor with your arms at your sides and your legs straight out in front of you. Make sure to keep your low back on the ground and pull your tummy in towards the spine and squeeze your legs together. With your legs straight and together, lift both legs into the air so that your body creates an L shape.


Start in a standing position. Now Place your feet shoulder-width apart. …

Drop down into a squat. …

Kick both your legs backwards into a high plank position. …

Now Lower yourself towards the ground. …

Again, rise back into the high plank position. …

And return to a squat position. …And now…


And Repeat, and repeat etc.

All you need for the above is a little bit of space and maybe a large towel for the floor (why not buy an aerobic mat, they are relatively cheap, roll up small when not in use, and will make you feel more serious about your exercise routine)

Then in a 30-minute window Start with the first exercise, hold for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds, roll over and do the leg raises, 20 of these as a start. Then get up and do 20 Burpees.

Well done, but you now need to repeat the whole process 2 more times. After that you will feel that you have worked out. If you cant do 20 of an exercise tailor the number and time back until you reach a level that is pushing you, and build from there.

The hardest bit, is actually starting!

And in case my description is not clear on how to do the exercises, I have a short 50 second video from my YouTube Channel to hopefully help

Of course, there are a lot more exercises to burn belly fat that you can incorporate into any home routine. It is a matter of finding what works for you.

As you get better and stronger at these routines you might want to try other types of exercise such as


High Interval (HIIT) Training



Even a Hobby as Dancing can raise the Aerobic and Abdominal rates.

Over Exercising

A word of caution here. It is very easy when first starting any exercise routine to get carried away. If at any time you feel faint, or pain in a joint, chest etc then stop. This is natures way of telling you that you have over done it. Further, if you do suffer an injury or not feel well see a Doctor or Medical practitioner asap.

The Image of a flabby Fatty Belly with the owner pinching a tape measure tightly around the fat stomach. The image is to support the article by Future You Success on Burn Fat - Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat and enforce that if you over exercise you risk producing excess Cortisol, which will store as fat in the abdomen

There is another reason why you do not want to over exercise. When we exercise our bodies produce Cortisol. Now, if you over do it in your routine you can develop higher levels of Cortisol, leading to the build up of fats in the abdomen. The exact opposite to what you were trying to achieve in the first place.

So, In conclusion, the best exercise to lose belly fat will be Aerobic exercise, but you do need to combine this form with Abdominal Exercises. It doesn’t matter what forms you choose, whether you are a full on Gym afficionado or want to start slowly at home, the important thing is that you take the leap of faith and start.

Let me know in the comments below how you get on, what exercises you chose and how was it after you started.

Best Regards


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