Balancing Work Life Stress. Achieving Great Work Life Balance In The Modern World

An individual sitting at a work table with a laptop open. The individual is also looking at their mobile phone and the scene shows the person trying to work. However, the foreground of the image showing the desk space is all cluttered with papers, pens in holders creating an image of a cluttered work environment

Stress Awareness Month Theme is Little By Little. Achieving a great work-life balance in the modern world is not easy, and an imbalance in your work life verses your everyday life will build on unhealthy levels of personal stress we experience. Taking Small Steps and Little by Little you can work on combatting your stress. 

I know from personal experience that striving to achieve a great work-life balance and looking to eliminate or balance the stress in the modern world can seem like an elusive pipe dream. Working in the corporate sector (see my About Me page) In our fast-paced, always “on” society, it appeared that the line between my personal and professional life became blurred more than ever. For me, balancing work life stress achieving great work life balance in the modern world was becoming elusive. I always seemed to be ‘going the extra mile’ or doing ‘just one more thing’ and as time went on, not only was I getting older, but I was getting more and more tired, exhausted, stressed and started to suffer the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle ranging from lack of exercise through to a poor snatched diet including missed meals.

With the onset of the recent covid-19 pandemic and the work from home requirements I found all the above being compounded even more. However, as the lockdowns went on, I noticed a change, not just in myself and my own outlook, but in others also.

Yes, at times I might have worked more hours at home (using up the hours I would have spent on a commute) but also I was around family more. I took time to exercise (by that I mean a brisk walk… I am not a gym person) and as a result I started to feel better, not just in my work but in myself also. I found that some of the stresses were slowly ebbing away. Further, the pandemic, and all the uncertainty of those times meant a time of evaluation and reflection on what is really important in life.

I found, as did others that it is crucial to establish a healthy equilibrium between our duties and leisure. Having a balance is not merely about evenly dividing hours between responsibilities. It’s about finding harmony in our activities that permit us to feel fulfilled and efficient in multiple facets of our lives. Hopefully, this article aims to offer practical, feasible strategies to help you tread the path towards achieving a great work-life balance and maybe to help in some small way with any stress you may be encountering.

A large rock sitting in the middle of a pool where water from a waterfall is cascading down soaking the large rock. On top of the rock are four stones,, decreasing in size and stacked in a balancing pile. These rocks and stones are different colours

Understanding the Concept of Work-Life Balance

Before delving into how to achieve a great balance, it helps to understand what ‘work-life balance’ entails — a state of equilibrium where a person effectively manages his or her engagements and responsibilities, involving work, personal life, family, and leisure activities.

However, It’s important to note that a ‘perfect’ balance does not exist—it’s a myth. I found that a work-life balance is rather a fluid concept, and it varies from individual to individual, depending on their responsibilities, personal goals, and life stage. More so than weighing personal and career responsibilities equally on a scale, it’s about ensuring we allocate enough time and energy where they’re needed most. So for example you might have an important work task or project deadline to meet. It would be prudent to complete this in a planned manner before taking a leisure (or other) activity as the unfinished project will just sit heavy on your mind. This is why the modern world, with its busy lifestyles and technology advancements, has made balancing professional and personal lives a necessity for mental and physical well-being.

So what can you do?

Crucial Steps Towards Creating a Balance Between Work and Life

Although it’s never a one-size-fits-all scenario, incorporating specific strategies can enhance your work-life balance:

  1. Set Clear Boundaries

Draw distinct lines between your personal and professional lives. This involves precisely determining when your workday starts and ends, and sticking to the set times.

  1. Stay Organized

Create a daily or weekly schedule and follow it—organizing your activities can save you from unnecessary stress and wasted time. Before you go to bed, make sure that you have written down the tasks you need to cover for tomorrow. I know this is not rocket science, but something that appears so simple can have a major impact on your daily, then weekly, monthly etc structure. the old saying “Work from document not thought” has never been so true.

  1. Prioritize Self-Care

This involves regular physical exercise, an adequate, quality sleep pattern, and healthy eating. Remember, good mental and physical health is the cornerstone of a balanced life. This is particularly important as individuals may be experiencing psychological stress without realising it.

  1. Learn to Say ‘No’

Avoid taking on additional responsibilities that could possibly overburden you, resulting in unnecessary stress. Some of us are particularly bad at refusing someone who has made a request of you and your time. We feel we might offend, or be seen in a negative, non co-operative light. This can be particularly tough if the request put on you is by a work senior. In my experience (in this scenario) if you provide an explanation of current tasks and workload, and providing it is fair, then understanding is met. (if not then there may be other issues in your work relationships).

  1. Embrace the Power of Technology

Use productivity-enhancing applications and digital platforms that allow you to manage your operations efficiently, giving you more flexibility in your schedule. Oh, and put down, switch off your mobile phone when you go to bed. The mobile phone, as great as it is can be is a literal nightmare as your brain is sub thinking… what’s going on with… (I was going to put an X in here but that is now the renamed twitter platform, so in balance of fairness other social media sites are available!)

  1. Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to ask for help. This could entail delegating tasks at work or home or getting advice or counselling. Men, this particularly means YOU. We are notoriously bad at asking for help, admitting there may be a problem, or just talking. Talk to friend. its a start.

  1. Cultivate Hobbies and Interests

Engage in hobbies and interests that give you joy and help you relax and recharge. Make time each day for some form of activity. Even it is your own space you can lose yourself in such as a Shed, or Den.

  1. Practice Mindfulness

Engaging in mindfulness practices like meditation can help manage stress and enhance focus and productivity. Take it from me it is not easy. try just sitting quietly and focusing on…nothing. have a go. first try a minute, then three, then ten… A sportsman’s wager… I bet on your first attempt you don’t get past 30 seconds!

  1. Have Regular Breaks

Pausing to rest and rejuvenate is vital, ensuring that you’re not continuously ‘on’ and overtaxing yourself. I found this particularly challenging. I would have a head down in a computer or work task, just “do one more thing” and lo and behold suddenly it was late afternoon. No point in stopping for a break now as soon be finishing time etc etc. or, too difficult to have a break now as I have accepted back to back online meetings (see learn to say NO above)

Bottom-line: Striking the Right Balance: Know When to Let Go

While executing the above steps, it’s crucial to realize that things don’t always go as planned. There may be days when your work-life balance seems awry — and that’s okay. This certainly happened to me. The idea is to have the right balance over time, not necessarily every day. It’s essential to know when to let go and not stress over things beyond our control. Looking back on my career, things I stressed over, worried about or strived to complete either never manifested, happened, or came to fruition. Perfection is a myth, and recognising this fact is the first step towards fostering a healthier and happier work-life balance.

A wintry sun is setting over a distant city. In the foreground and almost in silhouette from the darkening sky is a lone individual, sitting on a low parapet wall working on a laptop computer


In conclusion, achieving a great work-life balance in the modern world isn’t a feat accomplished overnight. It requires a definite plan, a lot of self-reflection, and a strong resolve to make necessary adjustments in your work and personal habits. But remember, the journey of creating balance is just as important as the destination. Remember, you’re not striving for perfection here, but progress. The moment you view work-life balance as an ongoing journey of making conscious lifestyle choices, you’ll be well on your way to a more fulfilled and balanced life.

A balanced life is not far; all it needs is a smart roadmap, a bit of thinking and to quote a famous sports brand, just do it (sorry!)

If you found this article on achieving a great work-life balance helpful and wish to learn more about productivity and wellness, be sure to postmark this site and come back to navigate through our other posts on related topics as they appear.

Going forward how will you look to make changes to build toward a more balanced work and life?


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