Fix Your Sales Performance

Square peg in a round hole. Using the wrong sales techniques to the wrong people.

Stop banging Square pegs into round holes. Fix your sales performance by understanding your customers and in doing so you can plan your selling strategy effectively to win at selling. How do you win at sales? Often this comes down to a key strategy of understanding the customer character types you will pitch and hopefully … Read more

How to Win More Sales with this Shift

How to Win More Sales. Sales Agreement handshake

Over Half of Sales people don’t hit Sales Targets. You will have been in this group at one time or another. You might even be in the bottom half today. It is a fact of your sales life and career. You entered sales to have the chance to earn higher than normal salaries and pay. … Read more

Struggling with Sales – 1 Key Reason

Struggling with Sales

Struggling with Sales – Why you struggle to sell effectively. You are not making sales. Why are You are missing your sales targets and maybe not earning the commissions you need. Why do You struggle to sell effectively? You want to make more money through your selling but are struggling to find that missing piece … Read more